Manage homophones

This topic describes how to configure the homophone list for each language.  Homophones lists are used by the homophones check to identify words that sound alike but have different spelling.


The homophone lists are held globally in the main DataStore.  Any changes made to them will affect all users of the system.  


A homophone list is configured by importing a file into the DataStore.  


Use the following steps to import a homophone list.  This only needs to be done once for each language unless you choose to make subsequent changes to a list, at which point you will need to re-import it.


  1. Prepare a text file (see below for the format) containing the list of homophones for the target language and locate it in a folder that is accessible to Wincaps Q4

  2. Start Wincaps Q4, open a subtitle file and change the language to the language for which you want to import the homophone list

  3. In the Toolbox->Job Info pane, click the Homophones->Import button

  4. Browse to the folder in step 1 and click OK

  5. Wincaps Q4 will import the homophone list

  6. An "Import Successful" message will be displayed


The above steps should be repeated for each different language.  If no homophone list has been imported for a language then the homophones check will be disabled when you open a file in that language.  


Once it has been imported into the DataStore, you cannot view or edit a homophone list directly.  To edit it, you will first need to export it to a disk folder using the Homophones->Export button.  After making your changes, you can re-import it using the same process as described above.

Homophone list format

A homophone list takes the form of a unicode text file.  Each Set of matching words should be placed on a new line and separated by commas as shown in the example below:


accessary, accessory

ad, add

ail, ale

air, heir


Duplicate entries

A homophone list should not contain duplicate words as this can lead to confusion.  If duplicate words do exist in a particular homophone list, Q4 will display a warning in the message window each time that list is loaded, e.g.


(2): Homophone import warning: merging duplicate entries 'beau, bow' - 'bough, bow'

(2): Homophone import warning: merging duplicate entries 'maw, more' - 'moor, more'

(2): Homophone import warning: merging duplicate entries 'read, reed' - 'read, red'


To correct this problem you need to edit the appropriate homophone list file to remove the duplicates and re-import it.

See Also:

DataStore basics

Homophones check